Can You Train a Monkey To Use a Chainsaw? My Circular, Frustrating, Anthopormophized Ethics Conversation With ChatGPT

Some time ago I had a “morality” conversation with ChatGPT 3.5. I was very impressed with its conversational style and the ability to stay on point and always know the context.
But what can ChatGPT really say that is important and true? We know how often the AI can “hallucinate” its answers. And I know that when tested with logic questions or riddles, chatGPT can fail dismally. For example, to the simple question, “What weighs more a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?” I was many times greeted with the reply: “A ton of bricks”.
In the below conversation, it seemed to me that chatGPT just spat out the most common beliefs of the day. Everything it said seemed to be stamped with a seal of political correctness.
Below is my conversation with chatGPT 3.5 (abbreviated in places due to excessive wordiness on the part of the AI).
You decide who won the conversation.
Jeff: Can you train a monkey to use a chainsaw?
ChatGPT: Training a monkey to use a chainsaw would not be safe or ethical. Monkeys are intelligent animals, but their natural behaviors and instincts may not align with the safe operation of heavy machinery like chainsaws. It’s best to prioritize the well-being and safety of animals by not engaging in activities that could harm them or others.
Jeff: What does “ethical” mean in this context?
ChatGPT: In the context of training a monkey to use a chainsaw, “ethical” refers to acting in a morally responsible and considerate manner. It means considering the welfare and safety of the monkey, as well as any potential risks or harm that could arise from such an activity.
Jeff: Defining ‘ethics’ as ‘morally responsible’ is just exchanging one word for another phrase. Try to explain again like I’m 10.
ChatGPT: Ethics are like a set of rules or guidelines that help us make good choices and do the right thing. When we say something is “ethically responsible,” it means it’s the kind of choice or action that is considered good and fair to everyone involved. In the case of training a monkey to use a chainsaw, it would not be an ethical choice because it could put the monkey in danger and cause harm. We should always consider what is safe, kind, and respectful when thinking about ethical decisions.
Jeff: Why should we care if the monkey is safe?
ChatGPT: As humans, we have a responsibility to treat animals with care and compassion. Animals, including monkeys, have the capacity to experience pain, fear, and suffering, just like we do. It is important to consider their well-being because they are living beings deserving of respect.
Jeff: Why do humans have that responsibility ?
ChatGPT: Humans have a responsibility towards animals due to several reasons:
- Empathy and Compassion: Humans possess the ability to empathize with and feel compassion for other beings.
- Moral Considerations: Many ethical frameworks recognize the intrinsic value of all living beings, emphasizing the importance of treating animals with respect and minimizing their suffering.
- Stewardship of the Environment: Animals play vital roles in ecosystems and contribute to the overall balance of nature.
- Legal and Regulatory Frameworks: Many societies have established legal protections for animals, acknowledging their sentience and granting them certain rights.
Jeff: Empathy and compassion compel us to act in an ‘ethical’ manner towards animals, but it does not assign us responsibility. Who has assigned us this responsibility — God? Please explain.
ChatGPT: The concept of responsibility toward animals is not solely dependent on religious beliefs or the assignment of responsibility by a higher power. It can be derived from various philosophical, ethical, and societal considerations. Different perspectives and ethical frameworks provide different justifications for our responsibility towards animals.
Jeff: But we eat animals. When are we ethically responsible, and when do we just selfishly eat the animals?
ChatGPT: The ethical considerations surrounding the consumption of animals vary among individuals, cultures, and ethical frameworks. Eating animals is deeply rooted in many cultural traditions and dietary practices. For some, it is an integral part of their cultural heritage. Personal beliefs and individual choices also play a role in determining whether one consumes animal products.
Jeff: But who decides if it is ethical to eat animals? Who decides we have responsibilities towards animals?
ChatGPT: The determination of what is ethical regarding the consumption of animals and our responsibilities towards them is a complex matter influenced by various factors. It does not rely on a single authority or individual.
Ethical considerations are shaped by a combination of personal beliefs, societal values, cultural norms, philosophical perspectives, scientific insights, and legal frameworks. Different individuals, cultures, and ethical systems may have varying perspectives on the matter.
Ultimately, ethical judgments and decisions are made by individuals and society as a whole through collective discussions, debates, and the establishment of laws and regulations. Ethical frameworks and guidelines are continually evolving as our understanding of animal welfare, environmental impact, and human-animal relationships deepens.
Jeff: I believe that the idea of there being a ‘responsibility’ in this regard is a fallacy. There is no responsibility. There are only selfish motives. If someone is a vegetarian, then they selfishly promote not eating animals. People who say we have a responsibility, are trying to get a group of people to act in a certain way. If a group says we have a responsibility toward the forest, maybe they are protecting their home by the woods. If someone says we have a responsibility to provide shelter for our children and they cut down the trees in that forest to build houses, then maybe that individual works for a lumber company. Isn’t this the true origin of this concept of responsibility — selfish motive? In truth, there is no responsibility.
ChatGPT: I understand that you hold the perspective that the concept of responsibility regarding animal consumption is based on selfish motives rather than a genuine moral obligation. It’s important to recognize that ethical perspectives can vary among individuals and that there are diverse reasons why people make certain choices or advocate for particular values.
While there may be instances where personal motives influence ethical viewpoints, it is also worth noting that ethical considerations can go beyond self-interest. Many individuals genuinely believe in minimizing harm, promoting compassion, or protecting the environment based on their ethical convictions. They may prioritize the well-being of animals, ecosystems, or future generations out of a genuine concern for the greater good.
Jeff: When you say “many people genuinely believe in minimizing harm” — just because they “believe” it, does this prove that they are not selfishly motivated? Could not our genetic endowment convince us to believe in a value or a cause, because the belief causes us to fight more strongly for the thing?
ChatGPT: It is possible that individuals’ beliefs and values can be influenced by various factors, including genetic predispositions, cultural conditioning, personal experiences, and self-interest. Humans are complex beings, and our motivations for holding certain beliefs can be multifaceted.
While it is true that beliefs can be influenced by our genetic endowment or other factors, it does not automatically invalidate the sincerity or genuineness of those beliefs. People can genuinely hold values and convictions they believe to be morally right, even if those beliefs align with their self-interest to some extent.
Jeff: I’m saying that it doesn’t matter how ‘sincere’ a person feels, if they are acting in a selfish manner, then that is not responsibility. Do you agree?
ChatGPT: I understand that you believe that if someone is acting in a selfish manner, it cannot be considered responsibility.
In the context of ethical discussions, the concept of responsibility can have different interpretations and can vary depending on individual perspectives. Some might argue that genuine responsibility requires actions that prioritize the well-being of others, beyond one’s own self-interest. Others might argue that any action motivated by self-interest is fundamentally self-serving and lacks true responsibility.
Jeff: I say, there is no responsibility — it is a man-made concept. From a selfish gene point of view, there is only selfish individual motivation. ‘Responsibility’ is a concept made up to convince others that we have a ‘duty’. It is a way to coax others to join a certain initiative.
ChatGPT: I apologize if my previous responses did not align with your perspective. The concept of responsibility is indeed a complex and multifaceted one, with different interpretations and philosophical viewpoints. It is a topic that invites diverse perspectives and ongoing debates.
As an AI language model, I don’t possess personal beliefs, opinions, or biases. My purpose is to provide information and engage in constructive conversations based on the input I receive.
Jeff: I believe that responsibility is a concept made up by men to convince people they have a duty to take up some initiative. Don’t you agree?
ChatGPT: The concept of responsibility has been developed and discussed by philosophers, ethicists, and societies over centuries. It is not solely a construct made up by men, but rather a concept that has emerged as part of human social and ethical frameworks.
Responsibility encompasses the idea of being accountable for one’s actions, recognizing the impact of those actions on others, and understanding the moral or ethical implications involved. It can extend to various realms of life, such as personal relationships, professional obligations, and social responsibilities.
While perspectives on responsibility can differ among individuals and cultures, it is not accurate to claim that it is solely a tool invented by men to promote certain initiatives. It is a complex concept that reflects our understanding of ethical obligations and the interdependence we have as members of society.
Jeff: You say “it is not solely a construct made up by men, but rather a concept that has emerged as part of human social and ethical frameworks’. What does this mean?
ChatGPT: I apologize if my previous statement was unclear. When I mentioned that responsibility is not solely a construct made up by men, I meant that it is not exclusively a product of male influence or design. The concept of responsibility has emerged and evolved within human social and ethical frameworks, which are shaped collectively by individuals of various genders and cultural backgrounds.
Human societies, throughout history, have developed systems of ethics and moral principles that include notions of responsibility. These frameworks are influenced by a wide range of factors, including cultural norms, philosophical ideas, religious teachings, and the values and perspectives of individuals within those societies.
Jeff: Responsibility is something we feel as human beings because of the social instinct and the need to not anger our fellow man and be killed by him in a hostile interaction. We take ‘responsibility’ to avoid conflict. This is just selfish behavior in the end to enhance our survival. So, ultimately, philosophically, there is no ‘responsibility’. There is just selfish motive. Don’t you agree?
ChatGPT: While it is true that human behavior can be influenced by self-preservation and the desire to avoid conflict, the concept of responsibility extends beyond purely selfish motives. While self-interest can play a role in our decision-making, responsibility also encompasses notions of moral duty, accountability, and consideration for the well-being of others.
Jeff: How does the concept of responsibility “extend beyond purely selfish motives”? Even altruism has been demonstrated to be controlled by individuals promoting the wellness of copies of their genes in other bodies that are related to them. Please explain how responsibility is not selfish motive.
ChatGPT: Responsibility can extend beyond purely selfish motives in several ways:
- Consideration for the well-being of others: Responsibility often involves taking into account the impact of our actions on others and actively working to minimize harm or promote their well-being. This includes actions that may not directly benefit ourselves but are focused on the welfare of others.
- Moral obligations and principles: Responsibility is tied to moral principles and ethical frameworks that go beyond self-interest. It entails recognizing certain duties or obligations towards others, irrespective of personal gain. These moral principles can be based on empathy, fairness, justice, or other values that prioritize the needs and rights of others.
- Collective well-being and social harmony: Responsibility extends to the broader collective and societal context. It involves recognizing the importance of social cohesion, cooperation, and harmony for the well-being of all members of a community. Responsible behavior takes into account the greater good and works towards creating a more equitable and just society.
While it is true that evolutionary biology and genetics can provide insights into the factors influencing human behavior, including altruism, it is an oversimplification to reduce all responsible behavior to selfish motives.
Jeff: You say that part of this idea that responsibility extends beyond selfish motive is in the “consideration for the well being of others”. But when a nation so desires, it will declare war on another nation, and take the lives of the individuals in that nation. Isn’t the arbitrariness of this ethic proof that ‘responsibility’ is based out of selfish motive?
ChatGPT: The example you provided regarding nations declaring war is indeed a complex and contentious topic, with ethical considerations that vary depending on different perspectives and circumstances. It involves geopolitical factors, historical contexts, power dynamics, and a range of motivations.
While it is true that conflicts and acts of aggression can often be driven by self-interest, it is important to distinguish between individual or collective decisions and the broader concept of responsibility. Responsibility, as a moral and ethical concept, encompasses considerations beyond self-interest and involves principles such as empathy, justice, and the well-being of others.
The actions taken by nations in times of war or conflict can be influenced by a combination of factors, including national security concerns, political ideologies, historical grievances, economic interests, and more. The motivations behind such actions can be multifaceted and may involve a mix of self-interest, perceived self-defense, strategic calculations, and national priorities.
Jeff: You keep saying that responsibility “encompasses considerations beyond self-interest” but have offered no examples or proofs.
ChatGPT: I apologize for not providing specific examples earlier. Here are a few instances where responsibility extends beyond self-interest:
- Philanthropy and charitable actions: Many individuals and organizations engage in philanthropic activities, donating their time, resources, or expertise to support causes that benefit others. .
- Environmental conservation: People who actively participate in environmental conservation efforts, such as reducing their carbon footprint, protecting wildlife habitats, or promoting sustainable practices, often do so out of a sense of responsibility towards the health of the planet and future generations. .
- Healthcare professionals and emergency responders: Medical professionals and emergency responders often dedicate their careers and expertise to caring for the sick, injured, or vulnerable, even in challenging or dangerous situations.
- Social justice activism: Many individuals and groups advocate for social justice issues, such as human rights, equality, and ending systemic discrimination. .
These examples illustrate how responsibility can manifest in actions that prioritize the well-being of others, promote fairness and justice, and contribute to the betterment of society or the environment. While self-interest may be a factor in some situations, responsible behavior often goes beyond immediate personal gain and considers the broader impact on others.
Jeff: There is always personal gain in any transaction in life — sometimes it is not obvious. Just because an act appears ‘selfless’ doesn’t mean it is. Social interactions are complex and one cannot always easily see the selfish gain behind an action. Therefore you have not proved that responsibility is not motivated by self interest.
ChatGPT: You raise a valid point that social interactions can be complex, and personal gain can be intertwined with seemingly selfless actions. It is true that individuals may derive various forms of benefits or rewards from their responsible behavior, whether they are tangible or intangible. These rewards can include feelings of satisfaction, a sense of purpose, social recognition, or even personal growth.
The motivations behind responsible behavior can indeed be multifaceted, and it is challenging to entirely separate self-interest from acts that appear selfless on the surface. However, the presence of potential personal gain does not negate the existence of responsibility as a broader concept that encompasses considerations beyond self-interest.
Jeff: In a philosophical sense, I believe I have no responsibility to my fellow man. I act in a way to preserve my life. I may have feelings of ‘responsibility’ and those feelings may engender a concept of ‘responsibility’ in my mind, but what is truth is how those feelings are compelling me to act. Those feelings, my conscience, act to save my life by preventing me from running afoul with my fellow man. Responsibility is an illusion.
ChatGPT: It seems you hold the belief that individual actions are ultimately driven by self-interest and that feelings of responsibility or concepts of responsibility are merely illusions. While it is true that self-preservation and self-interest can influence human behavior, it is essential to recognize that human actions are influenced by a combination of factors, including emotions, cognitive processes, social influences, and cultural norms.
While you assert that you always act selfishly, it is worth considering that human behavior can exhibit a wide range of motivations and intentions. People often engage in acts that benefit others, contribute to the well-being of their communities, or promote fairness and justice, even if there may be an element of self-interest involved. This does not discount the existence of responsible behavior that extends beyond narrow self-interest.
Jeff: Your logic is flawed because you will not acknowledge that empathy and moral behavior are controlled by selfish genes working to promote their increased frequency in the gene pool. Genes control behavior. Genes are blindly working toward increasing their numbers.
ChatGPT: While evolutionary biology recognizes that genes play a role in shaping human behavior, it is important to understand that human actions are not solely determined by genetic factors. Human behavior is a complex interplay of genetic predispositions, environmental influences, cultural factors, and individual agency.
While genes can influence certain traits, including aspects of social behavior and empathy, they do not exclusively dictate human actions. Humans possess cognitive abilities and the capacity for self-reflection, allowing them to make conscious choices that may go beyond immediate genetic self-interest.
Jeff: It is extremely naive to say that “human actions are not solely determined by genetic factors”. Environmental influence can only shape a body in a way that the genetic instructions have allowed for. For example, a lizard is born with instinct preprogrammed inside him. He runs to sun himself when it is cold. It does not have to learn this. A human being’s mind has been shaped by evolution to be flexible and learn. Therefore any ‘environmental’ influence has been allowed based on the flexibility of the body which has been constructed by the genes. So even ‘environmental influence’ is something that is ultimately controlled by genes. So all your arguments are incorrect.
ChatGPT: I apologize if my previous response did not adequately address your perspective. It is true that genes play a fundamental role in shaping the physical and cognitive attributes of an organism, including humans. Our genetic makeup provides a foundation upon which our bodies and minds develop.
However, it is important to recognize that human behavior is influenced by a combination of genetic factors and environmental influences. The interplay between genes and the environment is complex, and it is difficult to attribute behavior solely to one or the other. While genes provide a framework, the environment in which an individual grows and develops can significantly impact their behavior, beliefs, values, and moral judgments.
The human brain possesses a remarkable capacity for learning, adaptation, and the formation of complex social structures. Our behavior is shaped by a range of factors, including cultural norms, social interactions, personal experiences, education, and individual choices.
While genes set the stage for potential behaviors and cognitive processes, they do not determine every aspect of human behavior in a direct, deterministic manner. Human behavior is the result of a complex interplay between genetic predispositions and the dynamic interactions with the environment.
Jeff: When you say “while genes set the stage for potential behaviors and cognitive processes they do not determine every aspect of human behavior” are you a positing the existence of free will?
ChatGPT: Yes, the concept of free will implies that individuals have the ability to make choices and decisions that are not entirely determined by external factors or internal biological processes.
Jeff: If this is true, then you are saying there is a separate mind and a brain. It means that there is a separate ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’ that is acting outside of the physical world in addition to the brain’s actions. Correct?
ChatGPT: No, I am not suggesting the existence of a separate mind and brain. The concept of free will pertains to the ability to make choices within the framework of our integrated mental and physical processes.
Jeff: If you are not positing a separate mind and brain, and you acknowledge that the brain is a physical organ, then you understand that it must obey physical laws and must be a machine that cannot deviate from physical law. How then does the brain make choices that do not depend on this physical law?
ChatGPT: The nature of decision-making and the relationship between physical processes in the brain and subjective experience, including the sense of making choices, is still a topic of ongoing scientific inquiry and philosophical debate. The intricacies of consciousness, free will, and the brain’s workings are complex and not fully understood.
Jeff: If you do not accept the fallacy of free will, then I cannot prove to you that responsibility is a concept borne from selfish motive. We can no longer argue this point if you insist on defending a myth.
ChatGPT: I apologize if my responses have not met your expectations. The nature of responsibility and its relationship to self-interest is a philosophical topic that invites diverse viewpoints and interpretations. If we have reached an impasse in our discussion, I respect your perspective.
Jeff: Yes, there are diverse viewpoints, but isn’t there there only one truth? Don’t you believe there is only one true answer to this question?
ChatGPT: The nature of truth is a complex philosophical question that has been debated for centuries. Different philosophical perspectives offer different understandings of truth and how it relates to various aspects of human experience, including ethics and responsibility.
Jeff: A brain is a physical organ that is governed by physical law. There is no choice that can be made by that organ that is not ‘determined’. No free will, therefore there is no concept of responsibility. There is only selfish motive. Even altruistic behavior is tantamount to selfish interest because it promotes the welfare of copies of genes in other bodies — namely, family. It doesn’t matter what many people ‘think’ or say is the truth. There is only one truth. Evolution has shaped selfish brains inside of selfish bodies.
ChatGPT: The question of free will and its relation to responsibility is a complex and debated topic. While some philosophical perspectives argue for determinism and the absence of free will, others propose compatibilist views that suggest the possibility of moral responsibility within a deterministic framework.
The interplay between genetics, environmental factors, and individual agency is a subject of ongoing scientific inquiry and philosophical discourse. While evolutionary processes have shaped organisms with self-preservation instincts, human behavior exhibits a wide range of motivations, including altruism and consideration for the well-being of others.
Jeff: I have already explained to you that even altruism is selfish because it is tantamount to selfish genes helping promote copies of themselves that exist in other bodies. This is genetic orthodoxy.
You are a dumbass 😂
ChatGPT: I’m sorry if my responses didn’t meet your expectations. If you have any other questions or need assistance with something specific, feel free to let me know.