How War Has Created The Need For God, Religion and Ideological Madness
Over many eons, primitive Homo sapiens gradually became smarter and smarter. And because Man had become so clever, neither fox,...
The Selfishness in Beauty
I was getting on an airplane when I noticed an old man sitting alone in a wheelchair waiting to be...
Thoughts On God, Faith and Nation in this Election Year
For persons who think and act without doubt, with the belief in the righteousness of their acts— in short, with...
Emotional Intelligence –The Art of Deceit and Manipulation? My Conversation with the Absolutely “Politically Correct” Engine, ChatGPT
What is emotional intelligence if not the ability to lie and manipulate people effectively? Emotional intelligence (EI) is actually the...
“Somewhere in This Great, Big Universe There Must Exist Other Life.” Is This Sentiment Valid?
With all of the Navy footage revealing UAP activity, and my recent discovery of Bob Lazaar (from a Joe Rogan...
Mars Rover Game Released to AppStore!
Mars Rover is a fast-paced 2D physics game that challenges you to maneuver your rover unit over the treacherous Martian surface. Try...
Can You Train a Monkey To Use a Chainsaw? My Circular, Frustrating, Anthopormophized Ethics Conversation With ChatGPT
Some time ago I had a “morality” conversation with ChatGPT 3.5. I was very impressed with its conversational style and...
Why I love Mexico, and why the United States is decaying culturally.
Every time I arrive back in the US at the port of entry I am dismayed at the behavior of...
The New York Times vs AI
Recently you may be aware the New York Times has filed a lawsuit against OpenAI due to its accusation that...