Can You Train a Monkey To Use a Chainsaw? My Circular, Frustrating, Anthopormophized Ethics Conversation With ChatGPT
Some time ago I had a “morality” conversation with ChatGPT 3.5. I was very impressed with its conversational style and...

Why I love Mexico, and why the United States is decaying culturally.
Every time I arrive back in the US at the port of entry I am dismayed at the behavior of...

The New York Times vs AI
Recently you may be aware the New York Times has filed a lawsuit against OpenAI due to its accusation that...

The Absurdity of Two Life Origin Theories: ‘Life is a Simulation’ and ‘Mars Seeded Life To Earth’
“If the moon, in the act of completing its eternal way around the Earth, were gifted with self-consciousness, it would...